What We Do

The aim is to deliver higher returns with better capital preservation and lower volatility than conventional investment portfolios. While the investment performance track record is consistent with this aim, past investment performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

The flagship core product is an unconstrained multi-asset multi-strategy investment product which focuses on capital allocation, endeavouring to harvest risk premiums and identify diverse investment opportunities, including asset classes that are difficult to source and invest in.

The approach is adaptive and flexible, and unconstrained by conventional investment paradigms.

We recognise the value of blending complementary external specialist investment managers to achieve our objectives.

The flagship core product investment strategy is rare if not unique – we are not aware of any other manager that does exactly what we do.

Specialist investment products are made available from time to time, but only where there is comfort that there is capacity to accommodate the allocation requirements of the flagship core investment product.

Continue to: How We Do It

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