
Perspective Investments provides the following disclosures to meet regulatory requirements and for information:

AIFMD Investor Communications Disclosure

Pi Investment Management Limited ("PIM") is a non-EU Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM") for the purposes of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 2011/61/EU (the "AIFMD") and is required to make certain disclosures to existing investors, beneficial investors and potential investors in accordance with Article 23 of the AIFMD. The scope of this disclosure includes PIM's role as manager of an Alternative Investment Fund ("AIF") domiciled in the Cayman Islands.

PIM has prepared a guide which explains where the disclosures required under Article 23 are contained within the various documents produced for investors. This guide may be made available to existing investors, beneficial investors and potential investors on request. Any such requests should be addressed to the Compliance Officer at Compliance@PerspectiveInvestments.com.

Other Disclosures

EU MiFID Transactions Disclosure

UK FCA Stewardship Code Disclosure

Firm Remuneration Disclosure

Firm Financial Strength Disclosure