Arno Kitts

Founder & Chief Investment Officer

Arno Kitts is the Founder of Perspective Investments, a Director, the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer and Chief Compliance Officer of Pi Investment Management Limited and chairs the Board Investment Committee and Investment Advisory Committee.

Arno has been involved in investment management since 1989, including seven years as head of investments of an insurance company. He has experience investing across all asset classes through economic and investment cycles. He has a finance, investment and quantitative background through his degree, post-graduate research, and actuarial qualifications. Previously, Arno was Managing Director and head of the £250 billion BlackRock UK Institutional Business, which managed investments for over 1,000 clients across all asset classes, and also Chief Executive of the £100 billion BlackRock Life. Prior to that Arno was Head of Institutional Investment business (including hedge funds) and Co-Head of Global Distribution at Henderson Global Investors, responsible for business with insurance companies, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds across the world. Arno was a member of the Senior Management Team, and a director of Henderson Alternative Investment Advisor, and the AlphaGen Capital hedge funds. Earlier, Arno was a JPMorgan Managing Director, responsible for institutional business and he was Chief Executive of JPMorgan Life. Arno has a BSc (1st Class Honours) in Mathematics and a PhD in Social Statistics, both from Southampton University; he is a Fellow of the UK Institute of Actuaries; and he is a Fellow of the UK Institute of Directors.

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